3 Things To Remember If You Have A Fearful Dog
There are three basic things to keep in mind when dealing with fearful dogs, and time, patience, and tolerance, may help to alleviate some of the pet’s reactions to everyday situations. The three tips recommended to dog-owners are:
1. Some dogs are fearful because they were isolated at an early age; others may exhibit excessive nervous behavior due to a history of abuse. Some may be afraid of what is not familiar to them, whether it is an object, a hand, or a noise. When working with the dog and attempting to teach commands, notice that when the dog becomes submissive either by backing away, rolling over, or even urinating, you need to make yourself less dominant in order to restore the dog’s confidence. Get down close to the pet, on their level, or engage and allure the dog with a toy to distract. It will be impossible to teach when the dog is in this fearful and submissive state.
2. It is always a good idea to socialize new puppies or dogs so that they don’t develop fears and difficult behaviors when exposed to other animals, strangers, or unfamiliar situations. Providing a routine in an environment that allows for natural interaction and socialization, such as attending dog daycare in Almeda, will reduce fears and anxiety, while also fostering more socially-acceptable responses and behaviors toward many different experiences or situations.
3. There is the risk of fear-biting when working with a fearful dog. Many may misinterpret this behavior for aggression, but it is more of a response to an unfamiliar situation, and often results from lack of socialization. Dogs with low self-esteem may also bite out of fear, while giving mixed signals such as wagging their tail or cowering. Ask providers at dog daycare in Almeda for some tips regarding reversing this behavior, as there are some confidence-building practices that might prove helpful.