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Can Dogs Take Aspirin & Ibprofen? Can Human Medications Be Safe For Dogs?

People consider dogs to be part of their family, and it’s easy to forget that your dog isn’t human. When you see your family pet in pain, it’s tempting to give them medication to try to make them feel better quickly; if you do this, it can cause your pet more harm than good. Always remember that your dog doesn’t digest medicine like you do, and giving them common painkillers like aspirin and ibuprofen may be harmful to their health.

Avoid Giving Your Dog Aspirin

Aspirin doesn’t react well in your dog’s body; it can give them ulcers, disrupt their digestive system and make them feel sick. If you are giving your dog aspirin, you risk making them feel sicker than they already are. On top of making your dog sick, you also risk severely damaging their kidneys. When trying to relieve your dog’s pain, aspirin doesn’t do much, and it can actually make their symptoms worse.

Always talk to your vet before administrating medication. In some cases, baby aspirin or buffered aspirin may help your dog, but dosage needs to be measured by a professional. It’s easy to go overboard, and most people don’t realize how much they are giving their pets. There are so many variables that it’s just not a good idea to do it without consulting with your veterinarian.

What About Ibuprofen?

Ibuprofen may be administered in rare cases, but your margin of error is very small. Never give your dog ibuprofen without consulting with your vet first. If you make a mistake when administering it, you can cause stomach pain, kidney failure and death. It just isn’t worth the risk; your veterinarian can give you much safer alternatives that will ease your dog’s pain more effectively than ibuprofen.

Technically, you can give your dog aspirin and ibuprofen, but you’re gambling with your dog’s health when you do. Your dog may be in pain, but giving them human medicine is likely to make them feel a lot worse. You’re best off consulting with a vet; when you do, you avoid giving your dog something that puts its life at risk.