Check Out This Great Off Leash Dog Walk For Your Pups Next Adventure!
As a dog owner, you want what is best for your happy canine friend, and walks full of fresh air are an important part of accomplishing that goal. When you want a dog walk in Alameda, Citizen Canine Adventure Hikes are an exciting way to make that happen. These walks provide something a little bit new to appeal to your dog’s senses.
These adventures are led by trained professionals, so you know your precious pup will be safe and in good hands. The leaders are trained and certified in Pet First Aid & CPR to account for any incidences that happen along the trail. Knowing that your dog will be safe is a relief, and you can start to focus on the fun that he or she will have.
This is an excellent dog walk in Alameda / dog walking in Alameda opportunity because the dogs have plenty of time to discover the East Bay Regional Parks. They’ll jump, play, run and roll around in the soft grass. In addition to enhancing their own individual walking experience, these dogs have time to socialize with others. As many puppy parents know, socialization is key to a happy dog. These hikes last for at least 90 minutes, so the dogs really do have enough time to explore their canine side. With the fresh air surrounding them and their friends by their side, the dogs are sure to come home ready to snuggle up and take a nap with their beloved owners.
Whether your dog is already in the daycare program and you’d like him or her to join in on the fun or you want your dog to be picked up from your home, that can certainly be arranged. Dogs must meet several eligibility requirements to attend the hikes, and we will speak with you about those specific details.