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Dogs Can Sweat?

Even long time pet owners are often surprised to discover that the answer to whether or not dogs can sweat is not that simple. While it is true that dogs have sweat glands, their cooling mechanisms work slightly differently than a human’s. Since dogs often spend time outdoors covered in a thick fur coat, here is what every dog owner should know about how dogs keep cool and what pet owners can do to keep their furry family members comfortable when temperatures rise.

Canine Sweat Glands
Like humans, dogs have special glands that are designed to create sweat. Known as eccrine glands, they work in a similar manner as those found in humans; however, they are not scattered throughout a dogs pores. Instead, dogs only have sweat glands on the parts of their body that do not contain hair such as their nose and foot pads.

Panting and Fur Coats
In addition to their sweat glands, dogs rely on their fur coats to provide some insulation against the warmer air. Yet, this insulation can only work so far before a dog becomes overheated. As an additional cooling relief measure, dogs use panting. While panting, heat is expelled from a dog’s lungs and mouth. While this combined with sweating helps to keep dogs cool, pet owners and employees of a quality dog daycare in Oakland know that it is important to protect animals from prolonged exposure to heat.

Helping Dogs Stay Comfortable
Excessive panting, listlessness and general malaise are all signs that a dog is overheated. Pet owners can help to keep their dog comfortable while they are away from home by enrolling them at Citizen Canine, a dog daycare in Oakland, that utilizes outdoor pools and indoor climate-control to maintain comfortable temperatures. Additionally, dog owners can ensure their pet has fresh water to drink at all times and spray them down with cool water during periods of high activity.