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Granola Bars For Dogs?

It seems that people think health food is a recent invention. However, it’s been around since at least the late 19th-century, when it was trendy to get into health. The first breakfast cereal was invented in 1863, and in 1900, muesli was invented.

Pretty soon after that, many different types of fruit, nuts, and whole grains have become part of an overall healthy diet. Nowadays, you can find granola bars anywhere, and they’ve become known for having healthy qualities and being good for breakfast.

So, you may wonder, what about dogs? Can they benefit from whole grains? With people food and dogs, it really does depend on the context, and dogs have different needs from us, that’s for sure.

Dogs may appreciate a chewy treat, just like granola bars are. Because dogs like to chew, this seems like an easy answer to what they can snack on. But it depends on what’s actually in the food.

In granola, you find rolled oats and puffed brown rice. These are pretty much okay for dogs, since these carbohydrates are found in many dog foods, as filler and as necessary carbs to get your dog’s energy going for the day.

The biggest risk for dogs eating granola is the fiber. The fiber could cause temporary diarrhea, and the dog might benefit from oatmeal and brown rice instead. If you want to try to make granola, you’ll want to go for these items.

For many dogs, nuts are a problem too, and lots of granola bars have nuts in them. You may want to keep it simple for your dog and sprinkle some plain granola on your dollop of peanut butter, which is pretty much okay for dogs.

You can also try yogurt for your dog, with a little bit of granola. And be sure that you avoid chocolate, for it’s bad news for most dogs. Also keep an eye out for sugar and sweetening products, for they can be toxic to your dog.

Remember that all these foods should be shared with your dog lightly and in moderation—don’t give him or her too much granola, but a little bit every now and then is sure to make your pooch happy.