Is Your Dog A Candidate For Dog Daycare?
Nothing pleases a dog more than being able to spend time with its owner. As much as you may love to stay home with your pet all day and lounge, life’s responsibilities usually keep this from happening. If you are concerned about your furry friend while you aren’t at home, consider whether your dog is a good candidate for doggy daycare at Citizen Canine, which specializes in dog boarding in Oakland.
Dogs that suffer from separation anxiety may find doggy daycare to be a whole lot preferable to staying home alone. Anyone who has gone through separation anxiety with a pooch knows the havoc it can wreak on your home and belongings, not to mention Fido’s sense of well-being. Bringing the dog to doggy daycare provides an active, friendly environment for playing, exercising and socializing while you are away. After such physical exercise, dogs are more apt to feel happy and rest more soundly later that night.
The social nature of a dog should also be considered when determining whether or not to try a daycare. Some dogs are not fans of interacting with other dogs and prefer not to participate in group play. A daycare is probably not the best setting for this type of dog. Others can hardly rein in the desire to romp with any dog on the block. These social canines will be more likely to benefit from and love a daycare setting.
If you aren’t sure whether your dog would be a good fit for daycare, some exposure to a social situation will probably give you an idea what your dog would prefer as far as socializing with other dogs. The positives to daycare and dog boarding in Oakland include the balance between keeping your dog happily engaged with activities and time for rest. A quality daycare is your dog’s home away from home.